
I just remembered!! I had this awesome and exhilarating dream this morning....very weird ...very very exciting!!!!
i was in some city, with someguys i think..don't really remember whom..but i was quite familiar with them..and they appeard to be helpers (or friends) of sortsand life was normal..
Once or more (you know how dreams feel so surreal..you can never say anything spot on when you remember them!)
They would take me on this human rickshaw(mode of transport pulled by a man (very rarely women too!) ) i think..or something like that..i remember it had some sort of a wind catching device on it as well (or perhaps im just imagining it!)
one day, on an outing it begins to fly!!! Its quite amazing really... you see, it slowly took off defying gravity and catches the wind. VERY VERY scary for starters ....but slowly the excitement overtook all and any other emotions taht threatened to ruin the ride!!
it (we?)flew for some distance..and i got it down somehow...it felt as if my fears (or thoughts) had manifested into controlling the craft. anyway,the best part's not over yet-
then what happens... a few days pass or something..
then i tell those two guys that we ought to try it again!!
so we do..and this time..it doesn't stop..or rather..we don't stop it..
and boy!!i m telling you!!i've never had such a ride in my whole life...and it was sooooooo real!! and awesome!!better than a roller coaster!!!
and i could see all land.... and so much of ocean..beautiful scintillating blue-green stretches with earth in irregular patches!it felt alien! we didn't fly at neither a consistent pace, route or height- we kept swirling, flying close to rooftops and taking steep climbs. It was unnerving in comparison to the short ride we had had earlier. And in addition to all these emotions I was going through, there was this constant fear that i would fall into the water or be indefinitely swept off by the strong gusts of wind that seemed to create the effects i described above!!

(all this i was experiencing it as a first person... so i never could actually see what the other two felt or how they hung on to the device that flew... i did know, however that once or twice, due to the sudden gusts of wind, they almost flew off and hung on to the craft so they wouldnt' get blown off!!)

We had flown away from where we started (i shall call that home!) and had lost complete orientation as well..realising the need to get down and figure out a way to get back, the next time the device went low..i somehow managed to make a landing..and the way it landed was weird too...it was like how one lands after parachuting.. :D (i guess it was some kind of a glider or a parachute..though i never felt so!!) the place we landed was very sandy...
we had got diverted far far away. figured we had landed somewhere in north india..(or so my mind said..after listening to the name of the town (which appeared quite populated and affluent)...it wasn't a popular name, if i remember.. but i accepted it nonetheless..

As we accustomed ourselves with the surroundings and were figuring out a way to get back (which meant looking at train schedules, trying to spot our geographical location, etc etc (yes..all these thoughts were in my mind then!!) ) we got befriended (quite strangely at first) by this family (i came to know only later that they were a family...and a weird one at that..you'll see what i mean as you read!)

We did not try to attempt flying again for the fear of getting lost and making it worst for us.
scene at the house where we were staying: I hear some kind of altercation at the home of the family (our friends) (and ya..they had taken us in apparently)... and i find that the daughter of the father (also my friend now) had some power.. a special mental ability greater than the rest of them around (mind you..everyone in the family had this "special" ability) that enabled her (and the rest) to use their mental powers to do things... duel with people, move objects..I really don't know what else..

anyway, coming back to the altercation..this girl had locked herself inside a room and was throwing a tantrum with her "power" that none were able to counter or stop. I don't know what prompted me to do what I did next ..but the rest of the family just stared at me... so i closed my eyes and strained my mind (dun ask me how..i think its quite similar to what one would do while feeling constipated... except..i did this with my head... and shut my eye tight..as if i was trying to squeeze some juice out of it!!!)...and slowly, i figured i was able to counter this girl's power (what i figured was that she was using her "power" to keep the door closed.. i could somehow open it with mine!! and without much effort too!)... well, i opened the door..and she stared at me..the rest of the family didn't appear very surprised..

later, i came to know that the family had befriended me cos they had seen this "power" in me... (or something like that..which is the reference to them being "weird" incidentallY)... this was a very very strange revelation..and also explained why we flew...it was probably my subconscious that made it happen (or im not sure but it did anyways!)...I stayed in that place for a while... and tried it out a few more times. it was quite scary actually..to know you had such a power...

the landscape changed to a modern city suddenly and somehow, the whole scene and "flavour" changed to something else... which i really don't remember... it was just very weird... i heard some young people looking at me with questioning glances as if i really didn't belong there..
and then, as if to create a link (that the mind often does), i heard someone else talking about my "abilities" and that somehow puts them in awe...

hmmmm.... i dont' remember much after that.... the special parts of the dream was the "flight" and experiencing the "power"..somehow, it felt amazing (whenever i did have the guts to try) when i tried to use this power... i hadn't been aware of it before..i didnt' know it worked that way...all one had to do was close the eyes and think hard...or think...(even "hard" was not a criteria") and it would occur...

1 comment:

Ulalume said...

Interesting dream... and interesting blog... keep blogging..