
I AM...

im an angry man
i don't like my roomys.......
a palmist told me that i should control my temper since im hot tempered.
i never express my anger...but im an angry man.
my anger is an inward anger... like a cold fever... a fever that doesn't show out.
its eats within me..eats a lot...creates conflict zones.. creates hate circles..

i don't think im negative...
i've a negative engine in me
that creates spurts of anger..
some justified, some alien logic, some humane
some reflective, some plain ME

i hate selfishness...im selfish.
everyone is...
selfishness is not bad.
what is bad..and what is its opposite..
but some people are hypocritally selfish..
and that accelerates my negative engine.

i do not know how to balance.
i 've a positive engine that does it...
its naieve. but i think it needs to be.
or i would hate everyone..probably not
but many people.

i detest people who say something
then say something else to justify
the something
then say a something more to
justify all the something they say..
its vicious..
the circle of thoughts..
shows how twisted some people
truly are.

i hate cliches..
i detest mass design without
i detest (not hate) people who do not
subscribe to tastes..
i do not prefer extremes.
but we all need extremes to
know the greys

this is no poem..
i cannot blog...

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