
the end...

i read so often about climate change nowadays.... global warming
and associated phenomena.
i find it interesting...
i subscribe to the doomsday theory.
not any of those mentioned by the
stupid books (let you interpret that)

the earth is heating up
ice is melting
land masses are changing
theres too much burning happening
and although heating is quite natural
its at a phenomenally and unnaturally
high rate which sees us experiencing,
every year extreme weather changes,
calamaties blah blah

the bloody US doesnt want to
sign the KYOTO protocol
apparently(facts likely to be inaccurate
but the country still run by the most autocratic
bastards ever)
if they did, they would have to spend
so much money converting their crappy technology
to something "greener" that if they chose to spend the same
amount of money on something else, they could
feed the world's poor (all of em) twice (or something like that)
and clean water sources for the whole world.
big task,big country...
the guzzlers have no shame that they are/wil be
responsible in ensuring that countries (like bangladesh)
will be in history books (and underwater)

the US contributes to 90% of greenhouse
gases that causes global warming

china builds a coal-fired power station every week.
in 2 years, they are expected to surpass the US
in terms of emissions.India,although still nowhere
as much in the picture will get there... maybe in 10 years.
india and china claim that the west is impeding their
developmental processes by asking them to
curb their emissions.
afterall, the west is responsible primarily for the
melting and all the paraphernelia

citizens of the world..
prepare for war..of a different kind..
where people will fight
not for oil..
but for drinking water
not for electricity
but for everyday food..
not for expensive watches
but for a small piece of land...

I AM...

im an angry man
i don't like my roomys.......
a palmist told me that i should control my temper since im hot tempered.
i never express my anger...but im an angry man.
my anger is an inward anger... like a cold fever... a fever that doesn't show out.
its eats within me..eats a lot...creates conflict zones.. creates hate circles..

i don't think im negative...
i've a negative engine in me
that creates spurts of anger..
some justified, some alien logic, some humane
some reflective, some plain ME

i hate selfishness...im selfish.
everyone is...
selfishness is not bad.
what is bad..and what is its opposite..
but some people are hypocritally selfish..
and that accelerates my negative engine.

i do not know how to balance.
i 've a positive engine that does it...
its naieve. but i think it needs to be.
or i would hate everyone..probably not
but many people.

i detest people who say something
then say something else to justify
the something
then say a something more to
justify all the something they say..
its vicious..
the circle of thoughts..
shows how twisted some people
truly are.

i hate cliches..
i detest mass design without
i detest (not hate) people who do not
subscribe to tastes..
i do not prefer extremes.
but we all need extremes to
know the greys

this is no poem..
i cannot blog...